Red River Gorge

Trail #207: "Rock Bridge Trail"

We took this trail in mid-April, 1996. Trail #207 also known as "Rock Bridge" trail is a paved trail which made it fairly slippery since it had rained the night before. Personally, I don't like paved trails because the pavement is hard on the knees and ankles (and, like I mentioned, they're slippery when wet).

The trail itself is a 1.3 mile loop and can be completed in an hour or less. It is located at the bottom right corner of the Red River Gorge map. It is not a very difficult trail and is probably "doable" by anybody who can walk. The two main attractions of this trail are Creation Falls, a small waterfall, and Rock Bridge Arch, a "true" natural bridge that crosses a stream. Historical note: somebody once tried to destroy Rock Bridge with dynamite. The attempt (obviously) failed.

About midway around the loop you'll find the junction for a much tougher trail: #219: Swift Creek.



Rock Bridge

Creation Falls






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