
Ian's Mac GUI.
BlueCamel's Windows systray widget.


16/04/07 BlueCamel releases a windows systray widget.

07/08/03 Version 2.4.3 released.

Download: Source Patch

No cygwin binaries right now.


2.4.3 24/09/2003, Cheesy
     ipscromp.c re-written so you can use one password with multiple hosts
     Added fw_touch.c, FW_OBJ that creates files
      - Files are named with the IP that was opened, like for open_ip
      - Each file contains the name of the user the opened that IP
     Fixed bug in in.ipscrompd.c where sending no data and
       closing the connection caused a core
     Fixed bug in the open_ip from 2.4 or newer that simply didn't work
      - open_ip now writes the username as in fw_touch.c
     Fixed to compile under solaris/i386

07/08/03 Version 2.4.2 released.

Download: Source Patch

Fixes are server side only, you do not need to re-build clients.


2.4.2 07/08/2003, Cheesy
     Fixed bug in in.ipscrompd.c where the alt_ip in IPERMIT was ignored
11/05/03 Version 2.4.1 released.

Download: Source Patch Windows (Cygwin) binary


2.4.1 11/05/2003, Cheesy
     Fixed to compile correctly again with libmd (SHA vs SHA1 stuff)
     Removed old Cygwin specific workarounds that are now unnecessary

26/04/03 Version 2.4 released.

Download: Source


2.4  26/04/2003, Cheesy
     Imported (with mods) ian's modularisation of authentication
      - This will make it easier to add alternative auth methods in future
      - Some associated cleanup and rearranging
     Switched from libmd to libcrypto
      - Discovered SHA1 vs. SHA0 the hard way :-/
      - libmd components no longer bundled
      - See Makefile and/or INSTALL for more info
     Username now passed to firewall opening module
      - This will allow different behavior based on username
      - fw_program.o now passes this as argv[2] to the called program
      - open_ip changed to not object to $2 but does nothing with it
     Fixed an off-by-one in recv_sock (Thanks arcas!)
      - Probably not exploitable but could cause binary cack to be
        passed around internally and to syslog()
      - Also reduced another buffer by one byte, just to keep ian happy
        (Off-by-one the safe way!)
     Client changes so 'alternate IP' (-i) can actually be a hostname
     Added timeout to in.ipscrompd to reduce DoS possibilities
     Cleanup of a couple of messages
     Added (fairly loose) installation docs (see INSTALL)
       and a make install target
